Programming odds and ends — InfiniBand, RDMA, and low-latency networking for now.

s3fuse 0.15 released

s3fuse 0.15 is now available. This release contains fairly minor fixes and packaging updates. Highlights from the change log:

Removed libxml++ dependency.
libxml++ was pulling in many unnecessary package dependencies and wasn’t really providing much added value over libxml2, so as of 0.15 it’s gone. As a bonus, it’s no longer necessary to enable the EPEL repository on RHEL/CentOS before installing s3fuse.

Fixed libcurl init/cleanup bug.
0.14 and earlier versions had a bug that sometimes prevented establishment of SSL connections if s3fuse ran in daemonized (background) mode. 0.15 addresses this.

Binaries for RHEL/CentOS, Debian, and OS X, as well as source archives, are now hosted in s3fuse-downloads (on Google Drive).

Ubuntu packages are at the s3fuse PPA.

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